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By listening to the these audio clips I agree that I understand that they are not to be considered therapy or advice.  I understand that they do not necessarily represent the opinions of Melissa Groman, LCSW or other presenters.




Gerri Helms is a life coach and the Author of the

book, "Trust God, and Buy Broccoli". Visit Gerri

at her website

Allison Topilow is a private practice nutritionist in New York City and New Jersey. In her private practice, Eat and Be Well, Allison specializes in eating disorders, weight management, pre/postnatal nutrition, cardiovascular health and general wellness. Visit Allison at her website

Listen in as Allison and Melissa discuss the role of nutrition in recovery.

Listen in as Gerri and Melissa discuss food addiction, out of control bingeing, and how to get from living in the problem to living in the solution.

Kay Sheppard is the author of Food Addiction: The Body Knows and From the First Bite. Kay has over 45 years of personal recovery and professional wisdom. You can visit Kay at

Listen in as Kay and Melissa discuss food addiction, shame, and the biogentics of refined food addiction.

Join Janice and Melissa as they discuss the origins of shame, healing shame and living a life free of shame based thinking.


Janice Sterling Gaunt, LPC, is a practicing counselor specializing in helping both individuals and couples experience abundant living as they overcome the effects of their own childhood trauma. She  is the author of "The Shame Game."   Visit Janice at her website


Join Eileen and Melissa for an especially poignant discussion as Eileen talks about how she dealt with the tragic murder of her adult daughter.  Topics on this audio include:  Inner peace, grief, dark places, loving ourselves, recovery and how Reiki can help with healing.


Eileen Alexander is a certified Grief and Personal Empowerment Life Coach, as well as a certified Reiki Master Teacher and Meditation Teacher and a Registered Yoga Teacher.  Eileen can be reached through her website at


Eileen Alexander - Artist
Janice Gaunt - Janice Gaunt
Kay Sheppard - Artist
Allison Topilow - Artist
Gerri Helms - Artist

Is being "lady like" old fashioned? mother-daughter relationships, the role of mothers, personal integrity, how we choose to present ourselves and looking at body image from a different angle. Join Gwen and Melissa for a discussion of


Gwen Gistarb is a retired educator and the author of Responsibility and The Lesson Plan.  You can reach Gwen at

Gwen Gistarb - Gwen Gistarb
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