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Alicia Barmon, LCPC, ERYT is a therapist and Yoga instruction in Fredrick, MD. Listen in as Melissa and Alicia discusss trauma, Somatic Experiencing, gentleness, shame, fear and the path to better. Alicia spent two years in a war zone as a child, and uses her personal and professional experience to help others.
Dr. Reggie Melrose and Melissa discuss the physiology (the brain!) of trauma, shame and compassion. Dr. Reggie offers ideas about about using sensory tools and somatic therapy to heal trauma and suffering and work with our brain to help our emotions and thoughts and get relief.
Dr. Reggie Melrose is a clinical psychologist in private practice. She is the author of The 60 Second Fix.
Join Kay and Melissa for a lovely discussion about journal writing for relief, release and insight. Kay offers tips on privacy, getting started, getting unstuck and staying safe. We explore journeling as a way of working with our minds towards healing our lives and claiming ourselves and our privacy.
Kathleen Adams is a psychotherapist and author of several popular books on journaling including Journal to the Self and The Write Way to Wellness. Kay can be contacted at
Join Melissa and MIchele for an intro to EFT (Emotional Freedom Techinque) more commonly known as "Tapping." We talk about what Tapping is and how it can be so helpful in both opening up deeper parts of the psyche as well as helping us to "turn the volume down" on intense emotions so that we can access core issues, experience quicker relief and lessen anxiety as well as urges to binge, cut, restrict or use our drug of choice.
Michele Vallone is a psychotherapist and certified Success Coach and EFT practitioner with a private pratice in Upper Montclair, NJ. Michele also offers sessions through Skype and Facetime. Visit Michele at
Join Eileen and Melissa for an especially poignant discussion as Eileen talks about how she dealt with the tragic murder of her adult daughter. Topics on this audio include: Inner peace, grief, dark places, loving ourselves, recovery and how Reiki can help with healing.
Eileen Alexander is a certified Grief and Personal Empowerment Life Coach, as well as a certified Reiki Master Teacher and Meditation Teacher and a Registered Yoga Teacher. Eileen can be reached through her website at
Allison Topilow is a private practice nutritionist in New York City and New Jersey. In her private practice, Eat and Be Well, Allison specializes in eating disorders, weight management, pre/postnatal nutrition, cardiovascular health and general wellness. Visit Allison at her website
Listen in as Allison and Melissa discuss the role of nutrition in recovery.