Join Emily and Melissa as they discuss body hate, peace vs. happiness, fat as fat vs. fat as a feeling and the miracle question. Emily also gives an intro to ACT - a new therapy in the treatment of eating disorders and body image.
Dr. Emily Sandoz is an assistant profession of psychology at University of Louisiana at Lafayette. She is a licensed psychologist and co-author of several books including Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Eating Disorders and Living With Your Body and Other Things You Hate. Emily can be reached here.
Is being "lady like" old fashioned? mother-daughter relationships, the role of mothers, personal integrity, how we choose to present ourselves and looking at body image from a different angle. Join Gwen and Melissa for a lively discussion!
Gwen Gistarb is a retired educator and the author of Responsibility and The Lesson Plan. You can reach Gwen at
Listen in as Kay and Melissa discuss food addiction, shame, and the biogentics of refined food addiction.
Kay Sheppard is the author of Food Addiction: The Body Knows and From the First Bite. Kay has over 45 years of personal recovery and professional wisdom. You can visit Kay at